Student Success

Create bright futures.

Impact In Action

First Generation Award Scholarship Program

At Colorado State University, students matter most. They keep our traditions alive, define our culture, and give us hope that the world of tomorrow will be safe and secure in their hands. They inspire us with their sacrifices and reignite our passions. Students make CSU better because when they succeed we succeed. There is no better example of this than our first-generation students.

Today, one in four CSU students are first generation, meaning they are the first in their immediate family to attend college. Since 1984 the First Generation Program has provided more than $20 million to 2,500 eligible students. The program was first in the nation and has become a model for universities across the country.

For first-generation students, getting to CSU is just the start. A gift to the First Generation Award Legacy Scholarship helps fulfill the Colorado State experience for these students and sets the stage for higher earnings, more job opportunities, and a landmark moment in their story.

By giving to this scholarship and program you’re not only helping CSU fulfill its land grant mission, you’re telling first-generation students they belong here and they matter.

Students at the First Generation Scholar Dinner

“So many of our events have seen students and staff laugh together, build long-lasting relationships, and make plans for the future. The impact of the events is exceptional, and we see a positive correlation between engagement with programming and graduation rates for our First Generation Award recipients.”

Miel McCarthy, Director, First Generation Award Program, Student Success

How You Can Help