Ways to Give

Your gift, made your way

How to Give

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The fastest, most direct way to make your gift to Colorado State University. It’s easy, safe, and convenient.

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Make checks payable to Colorado State University Foundation and send to:

Colorado State University Foundation
P. O. Box 1870
Fort Collins, CO 80522

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To give by credit card or wire transfer, contact Colorado State University Foundation at (970) 491-7135 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. MT, or by e-mail to [email protected].

Make an impact.

Gift Types

Double Your Impact with a Matching Gift

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will double or even triple any charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. We will do the rest. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Faculty and Staff Giving

Faculty and staff have the option of giving to CSU through a payroll deduction. Please submit your request to create, modify, or cancel a payroll deduction through our online form. Faculty and staff can request additional giving receipts by submitting a CSU Gift Receipt Request and Modification form.

Leave Your Legacy

Planned gifts can be a significant benefit to you, your family, and Colorado State. Bequests, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts offer donors a variety of ways to support the University.

Pay Your Pledge

You may pay your pledge online, mail a check, or pay in person at 601 S. Howes St., fourth floor, on the CSU campus.

CSU fall leaves

Commemorative Trees and Benches

Pay tribute to someone you love, commemorate a special occasion or celebrate a friend or family member through the gift of a tree or bench in their honor.

Commemorative Trees and Benches

More Ways to Give


The CSU Foundation is happy to accept gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other securities. Some donors may even accrue tax advantages for donating appreciated securities. Please consult with your tax adviser to determine tax-deductibility of your gift.

Gifts are valued based on the average of the high and low prices on the day the securities are received in CSU Foundation accounts or at CSU Foundation offices.

To get started, please contact CSU Foundation. Click here to follow simple steps to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction and to avoid delays in gift recognition.

Real Estate

Donated homes, land, and other types of real estate can help Colorado State University reach its goals.


A gift of personal property includes equipment, inventory, books, works of art, or other tangible property. Gifts of personal property are accepted by Colorado State University. Gifts-in-kind will be used to benefit the college, department, or center as designated by the donor.

Acceptance of the gift is based on whether CSU can use the gift in furtherance of its mission. Consideration will be given to the cost of accepting and maintaining the gift as well as costs associated with potential resale of the gift.

Depending upon the donor’s tax circumstances, a charitable deduction may be claimed if the gift is accepted for the University’s tax-exempt purposes. If a donor is going to claim a deduction of more than $5,000, IRS Form 8283 is required.


Endowments provide both immediate and lasting benefits for our campus community. Each year, individual endowment funds are invested collectively by the Colorado State University Foundation, and a percentage of the total endowment value is used to fund the donor’s intended purpose, whether it be a scholarship, program, research, or any number of other worthy causes. These types of gifts live on in perpetuity, allowing donors to support their areas of passion long after the initial gift. It’s the gift that keeps giving…forever!

Click here to read more about the types of endowments, overall endowment performance, and the impact of this special type of giving.

Give to Match Your Goals

Download this brochure to view tax benefits and other details to help you meet your philanthropic goals.

Gift Policies

All contributions to Colorado State University are subject to the gift policies in place at the time of the gift. These policies, which are updated at regular intervals with permission from CSU administration, govern how gifts are accepted and processed at Colorado State University.

Commonly asked donation questions and frequently accessed resources are available below. For more detailed information about current gift policies or for all other questions, please contact us.

PDF – Donor FAQ
PDF – Advancement Investment Fee Gift Policy
PDF – Donor Bill of Rights

For financial statements and IRS forms, please visit the CSU Foundation website: foundation.colostate.edu